Semiconductor is the core of today;s chip based technology, TurnPike manages software for couple of core tech based companies
Our Expertise
Turnpyke understands the importance of keeping up with the ever-evolving demands of consumers and businesses in the semiconductor sector. Our innovative technologies and streamlined product development cycles provide semiconductor companies with a competitive edge.
Turnpyke offers a wide variety of services to the semiconductor sector and has clients in the top ten. Product development and engineering, IT infrastructure management and cloud transformation, business application modernization, IT mergers and acquisitions, support for research and development, digital back and front offices, and cutting-edge semiconductor technology are just some of the areas in which we specialize.
Silicon, firmware, host software, drivers, board and system design, testing, and pre-certification are just some of the areas that our technical solutions extend to throughout the product development lifecycle. We have the knowledge and experience to meet the specific needs of the semiconductor business, as evidenced by our extensive work with IDMs, Fabless firms, OSATs, and EDA suppliers across the value chain.
Our special services
Business is the activity of making one living or making money by producing or buying and selling products. Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.

Business Consultancy
Business is the activity of making one living making money by producing products.Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.

Business Development
Business is the activity of making one living making money by producing products.Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.

SEO Services
Business is the activity of making one living making money by producing products.Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.

Business Management
Business is the activity of making one living making money by producing products.Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.

Business is the activity of making one living making money by producing products.Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.

Usability Testing
Business is the activity of making one living making money by producing products.Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.